Welcome To Mansfield 1st Presbyterian Church
Here at Mansfield 1st, we want every person that we meet to come into a growing relationship with Jesus because WE LOVE JESUS! It is a simple thing, AND it is the most important thing in all the world.
Our purpose in life is: to love God, our Father; to grow in relationship with Him and one another through His Son, Jesus Christ; and to serve others in His Name, by the power of the Holy Spirit working within us.
Our facility is ADA accessible. Those with mobility concerns are encouraged to park in the drive way on the west side of the church (Trimble Rd side) and enter the church through the central doors.
Our Sunday worship service style is traditional; but it is also Spirit-filled and Christ-centered. Within our worship services, you may experience different styles on occasion, but you will always feel warmth and depth from people who care for each other with the love of Christ. Even though our Pastor wears a robe, we wear whatever feels modest and comfortable. We do not care what you wear, we just look forward to you worshipping with us.
Please join us for Sunday school at 9am. We have classes for both youth and adults.
Please come and join us to worship our Holy Lord, every Sunday morning at 10 am, and to learn more about the Lord we love and serve, and who we are.
Children will begin the worship service with their family. After the children’s message, they may leave for an age appropriate (kindergarten and older) worship experience called "Kids Own Worship". The first Sunday of each month is Family Worship and there is no Kid's Own Worship. The Children will return to their families in the pews after the Children's Message.
A Nursery is available during the Sunday Worship Service.
Please join us following the service for some delicious treats as we want to get to know you better. We would love to connect with you, and help you and your family grow in faith and enjoy your life in Christ, come join us on Sunday