Adult Ministries

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School - Taught by Pastor Joseph, class begins at 9am in Room 201. We are studying the Gospel of Mark. Coffee is Provided!

Woman's Bible Study

 On hiatus till January  We meeting in the Parlor (use front entrance, door marked with a #1). Studying  Jen Wilkin's Matthew  For more information on other events and Bible studies, call the church offi...

Spirit Seekers

Next Meets September 1st at noon  Spirit Seekers - A Bible Study group for adults (20’s-50’s).  Meets the 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month at 12 for a fellowship meal, with the bible study follo...

Prime Time

 ** Will Resume on September 18th at 4 pm** We are currently studying,  “Jesus Christ: Teacher, Servant, and Savior” by John Stott.    Please contact the Church Office if interest or ...

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