We gather together for worship at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings. We hope this will help families not feel so rushed in the morning. Our Sunday worship service style is traditional; but it is also Spirit-filled and C...
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Sermon Notes
Written version of Sunday's Sermon with notes from Pastor Joseph
Sunday Bulletin
2024 Bulletins March 23rd March 16th March 5th - Ash Wednesday March 2nd February 9th February 2nd January 26th January 19th January 12th January 5th December 29th December 24th - Christmas Eve December 22nd Dec...
Communion and Baptism
Sacraments In our Reformed Tradition, we say that, "Sacraments, along with preaching, are means of grace by which God presents Christ to people." We celebrate two: Communion and Baptism. Communion We celebrate the Lord&rsq...