

Everyone is welcome to any events held at Mansfield 1st Presbertyrian Church








December 24, 2021

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December 24, 2021
Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

A traditional, Christmas Eve worship service of "Lessons and Carols", alternating between Scripture and songs; ending after sunset with the singing of "Silent Night" and the lighting of personal, individual candles in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, "the Light of the World". "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone." (Isa. 9:2 ESV) This is a family friendly event, children are very welcome; plus, it is early enough for other family traditions and gatherings afterwards. Please, come and worship the King of kings with us!

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